Thursday, September 22, 2011

I know, but......

NOTE: this message isn't intended for every person who reads it today.  If you know someone who may benefit from it, please feel free to pass it along...... and do it with a happy heart.

things at rest tend to stay at rest
things in motion tend to stay in motion
it takes more energy to get things moving
than to keep them moving
change is difficult      author unknown

inert - 1) without power to move or to resist 2) inactive; dull, slow 3) exhibiting little or no chemical activity

God didn't design us as inert objects!  He designed us to move!

I know, but......

no buts about it!  Do it, whatever it is you are supposed to do, and as I have raised our children to believe, "....... and do it with a happy heart!"  (As I say this, I am wearing a warm smile and with positive energy).  Get off your buts and use the power God gave you!  Remember, it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you do not give up.  Pace yourself.  I pray you will have a wonderfully productive day today!  I love you.  Nan

Monday, September 19, 2011

Awesome birthday week in review

Wow! Last week was such a great week!  Highlights.... Ashley started my birthday week with a beautiful scarf she knitted for me.  Teddy bears continue to come in from all directions for my Nan's good will bears project with the IMH ER for the children.  Thursday afternoon, I took select teddies to my bank, RBC Centura for a bake sale fundraiser (their suggestion) for the bear project.  The bake sale was held on Friday.  The teddies made great visuals to get people talking about the project.  On Friday we had a special birthday lunch at Red Lobster (my office family and Ashley).  Then, Ashley spent the afternoon with me.  We went to the bank to check on the bake sale and took some wonderful cinnamon pecan coffee cake to sell.  Went by the dry cleaners to pick up a dozen bears and took them to the hospital.  The staff, in return, brought me a dozen bears they had collected for the project.  We went back to the bank at the end of the day and much to my surprise they had raised $100.00!!  Let me tell you, I can buy a lot of teddy bears with $100.00!!!!  My brother in law asked me a few weeks ago, "how long are you going to do this?"  I said, "as long as God continues to put teddy bears in my hands."  An OR nurse at church said on Sunday that the children who need surgery are allowed to take their teddy bear in with them for their surgery.  That's so awesome!
Allen and I spent the afternoon on Sat. cruising around looking at cars.  Yes, there is another car in my near future!  I've been driving my awesome Honda Accord '92 since we bought it new when John was a tiny baby.  He's 19 now and the car has 311,000 + miles on it!
Allen, John and I went out to dinner with Ashley and Kris Sat. night (great time!).  Pastor Mike gave what I thought was his best sermon ever on Sunday.  Then we had lunch with family and John surprised me with a beautiful birthday cake!!  Then, add to all that, my family and friends sent me birthday greetings throughout the day from facebook, text messages and phone calls!  I love you, one and all!!!!  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!  Take care and have a wonderful day.  Don't waste one minute of the life God gave you!  Your life is precious and your time is valuable!  Love always, Nan

Monday, September 12, 2011

Still Goin' Strong

I want you to open your Bible and read the first ten verses of Galatians, Chapter Six.

There are so many important messages contained within these ten verses.  I could sit here a long time and elaborate on each one, but I know that you are very smart and you will pick up on them as quickly and easily as I did.  That being said, these are the verses God wants you to absorb today.

I could go on and on, but I have to get up and get ready for work.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  I love you.  Nan

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just Believe

Believe - to have trust, faith, or confidence

".......blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."  Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John 20:29-31  New International Version

I believe, therefore, I do not worry.  I trust.  I have faith.  I have confidence.  In the times we experience a perceived trial we have a choice.  We always have a choice.  These times of trial are opportunities to exercise our trust, our faith, and our confidence in the Lord and in things yet unseen.   It's really just that simple.  We tend to make things more complicated than necessary.  We tend to over dramatize and exaggerate the situation.  Why? We see things differently when we realize we are spiritual beings having human experiences, rather than human beings having (or not having) spiritual experiences.
Jesus is alive and well today and is still performing miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples who are living and breathing today.  Will you be on the receiving end of a miracle today or will you be the disciple who is the vessel God can use to bring a miracle to one of His people?  Either way I think about it, I am excited about the new day ahead of me and the wonderful ways Jesus presents Himself to us.
Keep your eyes and ears open and tuned in to the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in your life today. You will be amazed!  Take care and have a wonderful day and just believe!  Love, Nan