Friday, March 5, 2010


One of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard is the sound of a heartbeat.  It is truly an incredible experience simply to be close enough to someone else to be able to hear and feel their heart beating. 

At this moment in time, I am in a state of complete peace.  Yes, it's the middle of the night and I'm here composing a message for you when I could be, should be sleeping.  Right this moment, I belong here at the computer gathering my thoughts for you when you least expect me to be.  Yet, the peace I feel is so profound that I must not delay in sharing it with you.  I want you to experience peace as I do.

The sound of a heart beating within the chest of a loved one is priceless.  I've searched for the perfect poem about the heartbeat and they all referred to lovers.  I'm talking about a different kind of experience.  I've searched my Bible for verses about the heart and I didn't find one that specifically mentions the heartbeat itself. 

Do you remember, as a child, the peace and calm that overcame you when your parent held you close enough to hear their heart beating?  Do you remember, as a parent, holding your little one close to your chest and feeling the tension fall away?  The tension fell away because the very sound of your heart beating had such a profound effect on your child.  And yes, lovers, think of the peace that engulfs you when you are lying there in each others arms listening to the heartbeat of the one you love.  I know, also, that some of you survive a spouse who has already passed on.  I want you to close your eyes and be still and quiet.  Meditate on the very essence of your spouse and you can faintly hear that precious sound for which you've longed and missed.  I recently read that when God wants you in heaven, nothing can keep you on earth.  When God wants you on earth, nothing can take you to heaven.  You are here on earth right now, because this is where God wants you to be.  You can still experience peace in the here and now.

I know some of you reading my love note are single and don't have one with you right now whose heartbeat you can hear.  You do have an intimate relationship with Jesus.  We all do.  Some people in a relationship live separately together.  Perhaps they don't even realize what they are missing by being distant from those they love. 

My Mama died 25 years ago and I can still remember how it felt to be in her arms, listening to her heart beating.  Love never dies.  Even death can not separate me from my precious Mama.  What a treasure it was to be held in her arms.....the arms of love.

Draw close enough to Jesus to listen to His heartbeat.  He will allow you to come close enough to Him to hear it.  He will enfold you in His arms and you will experience the peace of a child held close to the breast of a beloved parent.  Everything in life revolves around relationships.  Our most important relationship is the one we have with our Creator.   Draw close to Him and He will draw close to you.

Right now,  my beloved brother, Woody is in a hospital due to a heart attack .  In a few hours he will undergo surgery.  I pray for God's hand to guide the surgeon so that soon I will be able to gently lay my head upon my brother's chest and hear his heart beating.  What a precious sound.

I'm also keeping Sharon and Paul Lowry close in thought and prayer as they love each other through this reality of Sharon's brain tumor.  How treasured to each other is the sound of the other's heart beating.  You must take time to visit the caringbridge site set up for Sharon.  It's located to the right in "My Favorite Links" section of the blog.  As you read Paul's messages, you will absolutely be drawn to God through Paul's words.  In this difficult time for Paul and Sharon lies one of their greatest triumphs.  They both glorify God and bring Him honor and glory in the midst of so many unknowns.  They are simply living in the glow of the Sonshine and in doing so, the shadows of doubt fall away behind them.

Before I came to the computer, I was, in fact, listening to Allen's heartbeat.  Mr. Kitty is sound asleep here next to me and I gently laid my head close to his beautiful gray fur and listened to his heart beating softly in his chest.  Life is good.  Don't take the inestimable value of the heartbeat for granted. 

Easter is just around the corner.  Jesus lived and died on the cross and He arose.  He abides in me and I abide in Him.  My faith is in Him.  I'm not worried about Woody or Paul and Sharon.  As much as I love them, Jesus loves them more.  He is their protector.  He will sustain them.  And, He will sustain you.  Have a wonderful day!

In Christian love, Nan

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