Monday, May 17, 2010

A Prayer for Geneva

I just learned a few minutes ago, of the death on Saturday, May 15th of Geneva's husband.   Please join me in lifting up Geneva and her family as they go through this time of mourning.  She and I have never met in person, but because of the miracle of the internet, she has come to be a very dear friend.  I don't know exactly where she lives or the sound of her voice.  I've never held her hand, but I've held her close inside my heart many times.  I've lifted her up in prayer when she didn't even know I was thinking of her and her husband.  I lift her up this very moment and know God is giving her the courage and strength she needs to move through these days accepting the reality that her soulmate is now with the Lord in Heaven.  She has been a good and faithful wife.  I know in my heart that she truly knows and loves the Lord, because His presence clearly radiates from within her.  Her words and character reflect the beauty of the Lord.  Her husband was gifted with her love and devotion.  Though I didn't know him well, I know he was loved deeply by Geneva.
My prayers and sympathy go out to her now. 


  1. Thanks heaps! People are treating me special and it feels so good! I really miss Bill and I know that I'm just starting to grieve. We knew it was coming for almost 3 1/2 years, but you are never ready. God is so very good. My neighbors and friends have been sooooo good to me as have our son and family. It amazes me that people who don't know the Lord can get through this.


  2. Thank you Nan. As with you Geneva has been a good "friend" to me, sharing her faith and supporting me in mine. I'm sad to hear of Bill's passing.
