Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mustard Seed Faith

I learned to really practice mustard seed faith, and positive thinking, and remarkable things happened.
Sir John Walton

"a mustard seed faith ministry"; that's how our pastor described Nan's good will bears recently when giving new comers in the congregation an update.  As I type this message today I am wearing a big, warm smile.  I cleaned 24 teddy bears this morning.  Allen and I took his parents shopping before lunch and on the way home, we stopped at a nearby Good will store.  Yes, you're right!  We came home with 24 teddy bears!  We did leave some on the shelves, too.  This mustard seed ministry began with 12 bears and as of today, has grown to more than 530 bears since July!  We've given over 200 through the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room since July 22nd.  I encourage you to visit to read my poem entitled Nan's good will bears to learn the history of how this ministry came to be.  The parent of the sick child receives a copy of the poem and the child is given the teddy to keep and take home.  If surgery is necessary, the teddy goes in with the child and is the first thing the child sees in the recovery room.
 Little did I know at the end of 2010 how the Lord would use me and a few cuddly teddy bears in 2011 to provide comfort to so many children and some adults, as well.
Practice your own mustard seed faith, think positively and you will see how remarkably God will show Himself to you and countless others.  All we have to do is what is possible and let God do the impossible!  Would you have ever thought that God would put 530+ teddy bears in my hands in five short months?  And He won't stop at 530 bears!!  This is only the beginning!
I pray God's blessings on your new adventures for the Lord in 2012!
I have a few teddies in need of minor repairs and then off to the attic they will go until cleaning time!  I have to sit down long enough to write a poem that is dancing through my mind entitled Bears in My Attic!!
Take care.  Love ya! Nan

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