Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Expect Something Good

As I sit here before my computer this morning, it occurs to me the comparison of the blank, whiteness of the "page" I am now typing words upon and the blank, whiteness of the day before me.  I have the privilege of revealing myself to the world through this medium of Nan's Calendar, being vulnerable in so doing.  What you get from me is real and honest.  Yes, it is a privilege to reveal myself to you through my efforts to encourage and inspire.  It is a privilege because I no have no fear of judgment. My conscience is clear.   I believe you all know I am sincere and what I share with you is shared in love.

Before I typed the first words in this message, it was a mystery what the message would contain in its finished state.  Right now it is a mystery how my day will turn out before I lay down in my bed tonight.
I want today's message to be worthy of your time in reading it.  I want you to get something good out of it. In the same way, I want the people I talk with in person and those I will be in talking with on the phone to get something good out of our interactions today.  You and I all have the freedom to be ourselves as we go out into the world.  With the click of a button, I can go out into the world without leaving the comfort of my home.  The words I share with you are representative of my character and my essence.  Though I am not with you in person, my character and essence are with you in this message I send to you through the miracle of the internet.  We have the ability to let go of anything that would hold us down and prevent us from being honest with ourselves and others.  When we speak the truth in love, with gentleness and kindness, everything changes.  Our perspective of ourselves change and our perspective of others change.

The essence of our Holy God is with me with every breath I take.  Because I am keenly aware of that, I am comforted and I am aware of my accountability and responsibilities.  I am accountable for everything I share with you in Nan's Calendar and I am responsible for my words and my actions.  One day I will be in the presence of God and my judgment day will be at hand.  It's not necessary to read between the lines and think I am, in a subtle way, telling you I am dying.  Rather, I am fully living.  I think it's important to think of our judgment day and how we live our lives each day.  I live in the present, but my soul will live for eternity somewhere.  I believe and I hope that "somewhere" is Heaven.  Now I know in part; then I will know fully.  Now I believe and I hope and pray I will live for eternity in Heaven.  My belief in the promises of God and my faith carry me through until I reach the other side.  When I stand before God in Heaven, I will in truth, be on the other side, in Heaven.  Now it is a belief.  Then it will be truth.  I live for the truth every day.

I want you to enjoy every moment of your day today.  Believe something good will happen.  More than that, expect something good to happen.  I wouldn't want anything less for you than I want for myself.  Whatever I get out of life, I want you to get more out of it than I do.
With love and prayers reaching out to you, your sister in Christ, Nan

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