Wednesday, April 13, 2011

God Speaks to Us

You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to You.  Hear my prayer, O LORD; listen to my cry for mercy.  In the day of my trouble I will call to You, for You will answer me.
Psalm 86:5-7

God is forgiving; God abounds in love.  He hears us and He listens to us.  He will answer us.

Are we forgiving?  Do we abound in love?  Do we hear God and listen to Him?  When He answers us do we obey Him when He directs us?

Sin is sin is sin.  Have you ever heard someone say "I can never forgive that person of that sin!"  Forgiveness is for the one who has been hurt and is still hurting.  It is for the one whose heart has been hardened.

In order for us to abound in love, we must remove anything and everything that is not of love.

It is necessary to be still and quiet to hear God.  Is enough time spent in quiet meditation and solitude to "hear" His voice.  This hearing of God's voice is understood in many different ways.  Not everyone "hears" God in the same way.  When you have heard, there won't be any doubt in your mind, who you heard.  You will know you heard from God.  There is a great difference between hearing and listening.  We all know that to be true.  There is a fundamental problem in a Christian's heart if he or she doesn't hear God speaking to him or her.  You know I will always speak the truth in love.  I'm not pointing fingers here.  I am giving everyone something to think about in regard to their personal relationship with God.  We all need to perform self-examinations at times.

Obedience is tough, isn't it?  When we quarrel with God, we are in essence saying, "God, I know better than you what needs to be done."  Instead of praying to God, "heal me" may it be "God, use me as I am with all my imperfections and flaws." Instead of praying to God, "fix that person" may it be "God, use that person according to Your will, not mine."  Remember, with God, there are no mistakes and no coincidences.  Everything happens for a reason and even though we don't understand it all, we simply have to trust and obey Him.  Obedience works every time.

Lord, thank You for loving us and for forgiving us when we sin.  Teach us to forgive and to let go of anything that keeps us from abounding in love.  Thank You for patience with us when we wiggle and squirm as we learn to hear You and listen to You when You speak to us.  Lord, we want to obey You and we know a life of obedience takes practice every single day.  Thank You for giving us opportunities to forgive, to love, to hear and listen to You and to obey Your will for our lives and the lives of others.  Thank You for never leaving our side.  Lord, when we turn away from You, bring us back to Your Holy Presence.  The soul longs for a deep, personal relationship with You.  Be with us, guide us, give us the peace that only You can give.  In Your precious name I pray.  Amen

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