Friday, November 20, 2009

Good Company - 1 Timothy 4:7-11

Quote of the Day
The only mistake is not to risk making one....He (God) lavished you with strengths in this life and a promise of the next.  Go out on a limb; he won't let you fall.  Take a big risk; he won't let you fail.  He invites you to dream of the day you feel his hand on your shoulder and his eyes on your face.  "Well done," he will say, "good and faithful servant."  From the book by Max Lucado entitled Grace For The Moment Volume II

(7) The end of all things is near.  Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.  (8) Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  (9) Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  (10) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.  (11) If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.  Amen.

The more I delve into my Bible and read the words of Peter, John, David, Jeremiah, Moses, Isaiah and so many others who fully believed in God and his plan for our lives, I realize that I am in very good company.  I don't consider them dead any more than I consider Mama dead.  Their spirits are alive and active to this day.  They are living the eternal life of which we read in the Bible. 
As I pour out my heart and soul to you each day through Nan's Calendar, I realize that I am writing The Book of Nan.   You are getting a daily taste of my very essence.  I don't just throw these messages together.  I don't write for profit or out of selfish gain.  I write because it is God's purpose for me and I do it with a happy heart.  I was recently told that I need to shorten the messages, that some of them are too long.  I believe that what I share with you is exactly as short or as long as God intends in order to reveal a particular truth to all of us.
I believe that because you are reading this message at this very moment, you are a believer.  I am a believer.  We are in good company.  You have your own thoughts and beliefs.  Write them down.  Share them.  Spread the Good Word to a world starving for the Bread of Life.  Give it to them in the way God instructs you to do.  Freely you have received.  Freely give.   May you be richly blessed.  Love, Nan

1 comment:

  1. Right on, Nan!!! "Yesterday is gone and I will leave it there. Today is a gift from God and I will live it. Tomorrow is a mystery and I will trust Him for it." That's a paraphrase of a saying I was given several years ago. He's promised us His grace for today. We need it desperately. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
