Wednesday, January 13, 2010

....and the water flowed

God prepares us when we aren't aware we are being prepared.  You may be wondering how God has been preparing me in recent days, right?  I began the new year by reading my Psalms and Proverbs.  Those eleven days had a great impact on the following days and in the days and weeks to come.
I came home on Monday evening to a flooded house.  The water pipe in the bathroom upstairs burst while we were away from home.  The claim has been filed and the workers worked until 11pm Monday night to begin extracting the water and accessing the damage.
It will be probably six to eight weeks of demolition and repair to get our home in its preflood state.  Monday night I was trying to decide where I was supposed to be while the crew worked.  I sat at our breakfast table and continued my reading of Psalms and Proverbs for that day. 
There was a time in my life when I probably would have been a basket case. Not now.  I can't stress enough the incredible value and importance of keeping focused on God and His Holy Word in the midst of the storms of life.
First the waters came.  Now, the winds blow as the industrial size fans blow dry our carpets.  The walls are coming down around us and we are not afraid.  It's only temporary.  Yes, this, too, shall pass.  We have so much for which to be thankful.  Thank God it wasn't a fire instead of water.  We have absolute faith in the men and women who work for this restoration company.  Anything that has to be replaced will be replaced.  It's only stuff.  It could have been so much worse.
When you leave home this morning, you just really have no clue what will happen when you get home this evening.  Kiss your loved ones before you part company for the day.  Thank God for everything you have and thank Him for everything you don't have that you really don't want.  When you walk through the doors to your home today, thank God the floors are dry and that the walls are intact. 
These unknowns we are facing are opportunities to grow spiritually and to be a good example for our children, our family, friends and coworkers that we truly know God is in control and we have nothing to fear.
Have a wonderful day whatever comes your way.  You can handle it with God given strength and hope.
Love, Nan


  1. "When you walk through the doors to your home today, thank God the floors are dry and that the walls are intact." AND thank God for the person (or people) who live there with you.
    His strength is made perfect in our weakness. I remind myself of that daily.


  2. Thank you Nan. I'm happy that everything is ok and that no one was injured. I prayed for you today, since I had a feeling something was happening in your life, but I didn't know what. Thank you for the lesson in the midst of something that could have potentially upset (anyone it happened to).

  3. "Thank God for everything you have and thank Him for everything you don't have that you really don't want."
    Truly incredible word Dear Nan

    much love
