Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Got the Gift? Share the Gift.

Having now spent more than forty-one years being single, I have learned that it is indeed a gift.  Not one I would choose.  Not one many women would choose.  But we do not choose gifts, remember?  We are given them by a divine Giver who knows the end from the beginning, and wants above all else to give us the gift of Himself.
Elisabeth Elliot

God is good even when we don't understand His motives.  How can we understand His motives unless He reveals them to us.  Last night I sat here at my computer and God gave me a poem to share with you called "All Of Me".  In 2005 God gave me this gift of writing poetry.  I didn't ask Him to give it to me.  I didn't think I was worthy of His gift.  I doubted my qualifications to write, because I lacked experience and confidence.  God knew the plans He had for me then and He knows the plans He has for me today.  When I write a poem and share it with the world, I am giving you all of me in the essence of that poem.  In giving me the gift, He expected me to share it with others.  Rather than second guess His reasons for giving me His gift, I stepped outside my comfort zone and embraced it.  Taking a great leap of faith, my dear friend, Quentin Clingerman, believed in me and believed that my poetry was "good enough" to be published at his wonderful website called wordchimes.com  Three of my poems are among other wonderful poems published in a book called Wordchimes.com A Poetry Anthology, which Que compiled himself from poets at Wordchimes.  I can't take any credit for the poems in the book or any of my poems for that matter.  They all belonged to God before He gave them to me.
I say all of this to share this point with you.  God chooses our gifts for us.  We don't choose them.  Ms. Elliot believes singleness is a gift from God.  For those reading this message who are single, embrace your singleness as a gift today.  Thank God for it, because you truly don't know what the alternative would really be like.  God doesn't put more on us than we can bear and there are those who are married today who aren't happy in marriage for whatever reasons.  Today, be the best single person you can possibly be. Today, be the best married person you can possibly be.  Today, be the best divorced person you can be.  Today, be the best widowed person you can be.  Did I miss anyone?  You get the point, right.
Put "all of you" into today.  Give "all of you" to God today.  Remember, we get out of something what we put into it.  Let go and let God do His work in you today.  He loves each and every one of us with an undying love.  It's all about Him and what pleases Him.  He understands our innermost desires.   He doesn't love us any less when we feel He doesn't give us the desires of our heart.  The fulfillment of the desires of His heart are what matters most.  Embrace life today, regardless of your marital status. 
Don't know what is your gift?  God will reveal your gift when He knows you're ready to receive it and share it even when you aren't aware of it yourself.  Trust Him.
Today is a gift.  What will you do with it?  It's your choice.
I love you, one and all.  Nan

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