Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Prayers for Sharon, Paul and Family

Today's message is devoted to Sharon and Paul Lowry and family.  We know them through John's Boy Scout troop.  Paul's Godly influence has been instrumental for several years in helping mould John into an Eagle Scout.  We owe Paul and Sharon a debt of gratitude we can never repay for their commitment and dedication to scouting.  So many boys are becoming better men because of the love and support of Sharon, Paul and their children, James and Mary Beth.
Please pray for Sharon and  family as they await the results of a biopsy of a brain tumor that was discovered and diagnosed late last week.  The biopsy was performed yesterday and she came out of surgery very well.  I encourage you to visit .  Take time to read their story and visit the journal.  Leave them a word of encouragement. 
They are a very special family  rooted and grounded in God's Holy Word and are shining examples of doing more than reading their Bible.  They live with God's love in their hearts and share it so freely. 
What has happened in their lives right now is a testimony of faith in action.  From her hospital bed, Sharon is ministering to all of us with her strong spirit.  Even when speech was affected and she couldn't talk, she was humming her beloved hymns.  One of God's greatest desires is for His people to draw closer to Himself.  Through this reality, Sharon and Paul  are drawing people closer to God by the way they live and love and are honoring their marriage vows.   They are inspiration for us all.
Our lives are always changing in one way or another.  Sometimes, we have control over the events of our lives.  In this case, with Sharon and Paul, they didn't ask for this to happen, but they continue to embrace life amidst the unknowns and remain steadfast in their faith.  They have great faith and they are FAITH - Fully Armed Inside Through Him.
God honors intercessory prayers.  I believe in the power of the prayers of one and I believe in the power of the prayers of many.  I'm not worried about Sharon and Paul, because I know God has their lives in His hands and His will and purpose for their lives will be fulfilled.  I have faith in God and in Sharon's care providers.
What is happening in their lives could happen to any one of us at any time. Don't take your health and love for granted. We can't be worried about the possibilities. We can live with God's love in our hearts every day and embrace life as Sharon and Paul are doing.
Bless you, one and all.  I may not know what is going on in your own life right now, but God does and He loves you and cares for you.  You are in my prayers, also.  Love, Nan

1 comment:

  1. "Don't take your health and love for granted. We can't be worried about the possibilities. We can live with God's love in our hearts every day and embrace life as Sharon and Paul are doing."
    You said that so well, Nan. God sees far beyond today and His will is perfect! We do get afraid at times, but have that to hang on to.
