Monday, March 7, 2011

Because of Love

A word I used in this poem is one we don't hear very often.  The word dross means 1)scum on molten metal 2) refuse; rubbish.  Sometimes, it seems as though we do have scum over our eyes and can't see clearly (spiritually speaking).  We may be concerned about someone's behavior and say "why can't he see that what he is doing ...........?" You can fill in the blank.  Pray for him that Jesus will remove the "scum", "dross" from his eyes so he can see the err of his ways.  Sometimes, our thoughts don't lead to actions.  Sometimes, however, they do.  Our impure thoughts must be removed and replaced with thoughts and actions that serve and honor God.  I believe our time on earth is preparation for an eternity in heaven and we must be ready when the time comes.  As much as I believe in heaven, I also believe in hell.  Not everyone will enter the gates of heaven.  Yes, we must be cleansed and purified; all because of love.  Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Love, Nan

Because of Love

written by: Nan Forehand
Saturday, April 7, 2007
we humans can't begin to comprehend
this love which knows no end
though Jesus hung and died on the cross
He continues to cleanse us of human dross
this dross we cannot see, but
Jesus will wash us clean as can be
He washes the dross from our spiritual eyes
sometimes it hurts and He hears our cries
our spirit and our mind He will caress
cleanliness is next to Godliness
cleanse us all He certainly must
we should be still and give Him our trust
He'll cleanse our heart and even our feet
and one day face to face we will meet

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